Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Its effects on the post-synaptic cell depend on the type of GABA receptor and the specific context:

 Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Its effects on the post-synaptic cell depend on the type of GABA receptor and the specific context:

GABA-A Receptors:

Activation of GABA-A receptors typically leads to hyperpolarization of the post-synaptic cell.

GABA-A receptors are ligand-gated chloride channels. When GABA binds to these receptors, chloride ions flow into the cell, making the membrane potential more negative (hyperpolarized).

This hyperpolarization reduces the likelihood of action potential firing.

GABA-B Receptors:

Activation of GABA-B receptors can have more complex effects.

GABA-B receptors are metabotropic receptors coupled to G-proteins.

They can lead to hyperpolarization by opening potassium channels, allowing potassium ions to flow out of the cell.

However, they can also modulate other signaling pathways, affecting neuronal excitability in various ways.

Context Matters:

The overall impact of GABA depends on the specific brain region, cell type, and the balance between excitatory and inhibitory inputs.

In some cases, GABA can lead to depolarization due to the reversal potential of chloride ions being close to the resting membrane potential.

For example, during early development, GABA can be excitatory due to the high intracellular chloride concentration.

In summary, GABA can either hyperpolarize or depolarize the post-synaptic cell, depending on the receptor subtype and the cellular context. 🧠💡


 Touch -Choose matching definition

light stimuli
physical or mechanical stimuli
causes depolarization
chemical senses

Taste and smell-Choose matching definition

Energy senses
Vestibular senses
Chemical senses

Receiving information about the environment to gain input (conscious perception) about what is happening outside the body or inside the body Choose matching term

Autonomic Nervous System
Electricity Parts

Basic function of nervous system-Choose matching definition

Dendrites And Cell Body
Causes Depolarization
Chemical Senses

Central Nervous System (CNS)

  1.  Central Nervous System (CNS)


Center of the nervous system

Brain & Spinal cord

Integrates sensory information and initiates motor responses

Includes ascending and descending neuron

2. PNS

Outside the CNS

Cranial nerves & Spinal nerves

Includes afferent and efferent neurons

3.Basic function of nervous system





Receiving information about the environment to gain input (conscious perception) about what is happening outside the body or inside the body

5.Taste and smell

Chemical senses


physical or mechanical stimuli


light stimuli


Sound waves

9.Where could sensory stimulus from inside the body come from?

Sensory stimuli from inside the body could be from stretch receptors in organ walls or from the blood concentration of certain ions

Steps of integration

-Received stimuli from the senses is communicated to the nervous system where the information is processed

-The stimuli are compared or integrated with: other stimuli, past stimuli, or the state of the person at the particular time

-Specific responses will be generated


Production of a response on the basis of stimuli perceived by sensory structures

2 forms of response

  • 2 Forms
  • Voluntary (Somatic Nervous System)
  • Involuntary (Autonomic Nervous System)


contraction of skeletal muscle


contraction of smooth muscle, regulation of cardiac muscle, activation of glands

Somatic nervous system

Conscious perception

Voluntary motor response: contraction of skeletal muscle

Includes reflexes that happen without conscious decision & motor responses that become automatic as a person learns motor skills

Autonomic nervous system

Involuntary control of the body, regulates the organs systems usually for the sake of homeostasis but can also be due to an emotional state

Sensory input can be internal or external

Motor output is from smooth & cardiac muscle, & glandular tissue

enteric nervous system

Controls smooth muscle and glandular tissue in the digestive system

Part of the autonomic nervous system & part of the PNS

Can operate independently of the CNS

Glial cells

variety of cells that support the neurons & their activities


most functionally important cells

Contain a cell body (soma) & processes called axons & dendrites

Neurons pt.2

Conduct nerve impulses to communicate information about sensations, produce movements, & induce thoughts

Have extreme longevity

Cannot divide, so cannot be replaced

High metabolic rate, cannot survive without oxygen

Neurons cell body (soma)

synthesizes proteins (Nissl bodies), many mitochondria


conduct nerve signals to the cell body

Axon fibers

sometimes covered by a myelin sheath, conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body

Axon hillock

area between cell body & axon

Axon terminal

ending of axon branches, contain mitochondria & vesicles (with neurotransmitters)

synaptic end bulb

enlargement at end of axon terminal, connects with target cell at a synapse

input zone of neuron

Dendrites and cell body

Summation zone

axon hillock - incoming nerve impulses combine

Conduction zone

axon - contains many voltage-gated Na+ & K+ channels

Output zone

distal end of axon- contains many voltage-gated Ca2+ channels


Multipolar - single axon & many dendrites, most common (found in motor neurons)


Bipolar - 2 processes separated by cell body (rare: found in retina & olfactory mucosa)


Unipolar - 1 process with cell body off to the side, (found in sensory neurons of PNS)

4 major types of CNS



Ependymal cells


2 major types of PNS

Schwann cells

Satellite Cells


Found in the CNS

Hold nerve fibers together and produce the myelin sheath (phospholipid insulating cover)

1 cell myelinates many axons

Myelin sheath

Insulates, increases speed of action potentials, & holds neurons together

ONLY in the PNS, there are gaps in the myelin sheath: Nodes of Ranvier

Loss of myelin (demyelination) can cause a loss of sensation (numb) & motor control (paralyzed)

White matter

is myelinated

PNS: myelinated nerve

CNS: myelinated tract

Grey matter

cell bodies and dendrites are unmyelinated

PNS: ganglion (soma)

CNS: nucleus or ganglion (soma)


Found in the CNS

Star shaped

Largest and most numerous

Connect to both neurons and capillaries, creating a frame-work

Transfer nutrients from the blood to the neurons

Trap leaked K+ & neurotransmitters

Form blood-brain barrier (BBB)

Repair damaged neural tissue


Found in the in CNS

Least numerous and smallest glial cells

Phagocytic cells derived from monocytes

Small, usually stationary

In inflamed brain tissue, they enlarge move about and engulf pathogens, waste, & debris

Ependymal cell

Found in the CNS

Resemble epithelial cells

Form thin sheets, lining fluid-filled cavities (ventricles)

Aid in circulation of fluid with cilia

Shwann cells

Found in the PNS

Also called neurolemmocytes

Support nerve fibers and form myelin sheaths

Wrap around a portion of only one axon

Essential for nerve regrowth

Satellite cells

Cells that cover and support cell bodies (sensory & autonomic ganglia) that function like astrocytes but do not play a role in the BBB

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Autoimmune disease

Causes inflammation & destruction of myelin in the CNS

As the insulation (mylin sheath) is destroyed, scarring becomes obvious

"Multiple scars" are found in the white matter

Symptoms include both somatic & autonomic deficits in muscle control

Guillian-Barre Syndrome

Demyelinating disease of the PNS

Also an autoimmune reaction

Sensory & motor deficits are common

Autonomic failures can lead to heart rhythm changes, or drops in blood pressure, especially when standing up

Sensory receptor steps

If the stimulus is strong enough to reach threshold an action potential will travel down the axon

When it reaches the end bulbs it releases a neurotransmitter

The neurotransmitter binds to receptors on the target neuron, which then has its own action potential

The 2nd neuron synapses with a neuron in the thalamus, which then sends the information to the sensory cortex

Response to stimuli from brain

In cerebral cortex, information is processed (integrates the stimulus with your emotional state & memories)

A plan is developed & the motor cortex will send out a command to your skeletal muscles

An upper motor neuron synapses with a lower motor neuron

The lower motor neuron releases Ach onto the muscle fiber & the action potential begins the muscle contraction

Electricity parts

Current = Voltage


Voltage is the potential difference

Ions differences create voltage

Resistance is provided by the plasma membrane

All living cells maintain a difference in the concentration of ions across their membranes

Protein channels

Channels are selective to which ions they allow through


open in response to physical deformation of receptor (sensory), when pressure is applied channels open & ions enter the cell

Chemically-gated (ligand-gated):

open when the right chemical binds, ions then cross the membrane changing its charge. Also called ionotropic receptors because it allows ions to enter or leave the cell.

Voltage -gated channels:

open and close in response to changes in membrane potential, Normally the inner portion is negative & when it becomes less negative ions cross the membrane

Leakage channels:

opens & closes at random, contribute to the resting membrane voltage of excitable membranes

Membrane potential

Potential = distribution of charges across a cell membrane

Measured in millivolts (mV)

Compares the inside charge to the outside charge

The membrane surface has a slight difference in ion charges & this allows neurons & muscle cells to generate electrical signals

Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)

Polarized Membrane:

plays most important role

Leaky channels allow K+ to leak out and lower amounts of Na+ to leak in

Magnitude of potential difference: measured in millivolts (-70mV)

Maintained by Na+/K+ pumps

sodium potassium pump

Pumps 3 Na+ out of cell & 2 K+ into cell

Works against concentration gradient

ATP required for energy to run pump

Cells become polarized


starts with the opening of Na+ channels

rushes into the cell, changing the membrane potential to become less negative

Membrane potential reaches +30mV


Na+ channels close & K+ channels open

leaves the cell, voltage moves back towards -70mV


K+ channels are slow to close & the membrane potential go below -70mV

What initiates action potential

Ligand-gated channels open when a neurotransmitter binds to it

Mechanically-gated channels open when a physical stimulus affects a sensory receptor

Voltage-gated channels open when the membrane potential is -55mV

All of Nothing Principle

A stimulus either triggers an action potential or it does not

Once threshold is reached an action potential will occur!!

The magnitude is the same no matter how it reached threshold

absolute refractory period

when the membrane is depolarizing

Will not respond to a stimulus, no matter how strong

relative refractory period

when the membrane is repolarizing

Membrane will respond only to a very strong stimulus

Coding for stimulus intensity

All action potentials are alike

Strong stimuli generate impulses more often

Frequency gives strength not amplitude of individual impulses

Propagation of an action potential

Continuous conduction"

Action potential starts in the beginning of the axon

Contains a high density of Na+ channels, rapidly depolarizes

As depolarization spreads, more Na+ channels open & it travels down the axon

Never moves backward

Faster Speed: large diameter, presence of myelin sheath, & increased temperatures

Saltatory conduction

Occurs in myelinated axons

Action Potentials occur only at Nodes of Ranvier

Flow under myelin sheath to next node

"Leaps" from node to node

Faster & saves ATP (less surface area to pump Na+/K+ across)

graded potentials

Local changes in membrane potential

Usually occur in dendrites

Amount of change determined by the size of the stimulus

Can be either depolarizing or hyperpolarizing

or Ca2+ enter (depolarize) or

or Cl- leave the cell (hyperpolarize)

generator potential

Develop in dendrites

In sensory neurons:

Both free nerve endings & those that are encapsulated

receptor potential

Graded potentials in their membranes result in the release of neurotransmitters at synapses

In sensory neurons: Both taste cells & photoreceptors of the retina

Happens only in cells that act as receptors that communicate with sensory neurons

post synaptic potential

Graded potential in the dendrites of a neuron that is receiving synapses from other cells

Can be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing

EPSP) Excitatory post synaptic potential:

causes cell to move towards threshold

(IPSP) Inhibitory post synaptic potential:

causes cell to move away from threshold


Summate = add together

Occurs at the axon hillock (except for sensory neurons)

Combined effects of graded potentials

If membrane depolarizes, the membrane will reach threshold

Can be either spatial or temporal

electrical synapses

Cells joined by gap junctions

Allows electrical currents to flow between cells

Found in cardiac muscle & single-unit smooth muscle (shown)- remember, intercalated discs in cardiac muscle have gap junctions and desmosomes!

Chemical synapse

Involves the transmission of a chemical from one cell to another.

The release of acetylcholine is an example of a chemical synapse.

The synapse

connection between a neuron & its target cell




involves a complex of proteins resulting in metabolic changes in the cell

nicotinic receptors

Causes depolarization

muscarinic receptors

Causes depolarization or hypopolarization

metabotropic receptors

Two common second messenger systems use cAMP and IP3 (inositol triphosphate)

Second messengers cause metabolic changes within the cell -hence the name metabotropic receptors

The effector protein catalyzes the second messenger

Alzheimer's disease

Progressive degenerative brain disorder that results in dementia

Due to misfolded proteins that form plaques & tangles that kill neurons

Brain shrinks

Parkinson's disease

Strikes mostly in the 50s & 60s

Degeneration of dopamine releasing neurons of the substantia nigra

Basal nuclei become overactive

Persistent tremor at rest, shuffling gait, & stiff facial expressions

Treated with L-dopa - but it becomes ineffective, deep brain stimulation can alleviate tremors

Huntington's disease

Fatal hereditary disorder

Strikes during middle age

Mutant protein accumulates in brain cells & the tissue dies

Massive degeneration of the basal nuclei & cerebral cortex

Produces "chorea" - wild, jerky, continuous flapping non-voluntary movements (hyperkinetic)

Disease is progressive & leads to mental deterioration

Usually fatal within 15 years

Huntington's Disease Chorea

Drugs used to treat it: block dopamine's effects

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Human variant of prion disease - "mad cow disease"

What responses are generated by the nervous system when you run on a treadmill? Include an example of each type of tissue that is under nervous system control.

Running on a treadmill involves contraction of the skeletal muscles in the legs, increase in contraction of the cardiac muscle of the heart, and the production and secretion of sweat in the skin to stay cool.

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!

When eating food, what anatomical and functional divisions of the nervous system are involved in the perceptual experience?

The sensation of taste associated with eating is sensed by nerves in the periphery that are involved in sensory and somatic functions.

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!

Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease affecting the central nervous system. What type of cell would be the most likely target of this disease? Why?

The disease would target oligodendrocytes. In the CNS, oligodendrocytes provide the myelin for axons.

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Which type of neuron, based on its shape, is best suited for relaying information directly from one neuron to another? Explain why.

Bipolar cells, because they have one dendrite that receives input and one axon that provides output, would be a direct relay between two other cells

Sensory fibers, or pathways, are referred to as "afferent." Motor fibers, or pathways, are referred to as "efferent." What can you infer about the meaning of these two terms (afferent and efferent) in a structural or anatomical context?

Afferent means "toward," as in sensory information traveling from the periphery into the CNS. Efferent means "away from," as in motor commands that travel from the brain down the spinal cord and out into the periphery.

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!

If a person has a motor disorder and cannot move their arm voluntarily, but their muscles have tone, which motor neuron—upper or lower—is probably affected? Explain why.

The upper motor neuron would be affected because it is carrying the command from the brain down.

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What does it mean for an action potential to be an "all or none" event?

The cell membrane must reach threshold before voltage-gated Na + channels open. If threshold is not reached, those channels do not open, and the depolarizing phase of the action potential does not occur, the cell membrane will just go back to its resting state.

The conscious perception of pain is often delayed because of the time it takes for the sensations to reach the cerebral cortex. Why would this be the case based on propagation of the axon potential

Axons of pain sensing sensory neurons are thin and unmyelinated so that it takes longer for that sensation to reach the brain than other sensations.

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!

If a postsynaptic cell has synapses from five different cells, and three cause EPSPs and two of them cause IPSPs, give an example of a series of depolarizations and hyperpolarizations that would result in the neuron reaching threshold.

EPSP1 = +5 mV, EPSP2 = +7 mV, EPSP 3 = +10 mV, IPSP1 = -4 mV, IPSP2 = -3 mV. 5 + 7 + 10 - 4 - 3 = +15 mV.

We have an expert-written solution to this problem!

Why is the receptor the important element determining the effect a neurotransmitter has on a target cell?

Different neurotransmitters have different receptors. Thus, the type of receptor in the postsynaptic cell is what determines which ion channels open. Acetylcholine binding to the nicotinic receptor causes cations to cross the membrane. GABA binding to its receptor causes the anion chloride to cross the membrane.

chapter 12 last questions

  1.  What responses are generated by the nervous system when you run on a treadmill? Include an example of each type of tissue that is under nervous system control.

Running on a treadmill involves contraction of the skeletal muscles in the legs, increase in contraction of the cardiac muscle of the heart, and the production and secretion of sweat in the skin to stay cool.

2. When eating food, what anatomical and functional divisions of the nervous system are involved in the perceptual experience?

The sensation of taste associated with eating is sensed by nerves in the periphery that are involved in sensory and somatic functions.

3. Multiple sclerosis is a demyelinating disease affecting the central nervous system. What type of cell would be the most likely target of this disease? Why?

The disease would target oligodendrocytes. In the CNS, oligodendrocytes provide the myelin for axons.

4.Which type of neuron, based on its shape, is best suited for relaying information directly from one neuron to another? Explain why.

Bipolar cells, because they have one dendrite that receives input and one axon that provides output, would be a direct relay between two other cells

5.Sensory fibers, or pathways, are referred to as "afferent." Motor fibers, or pathways, are referred to as "efferent." What can you infer about the meaning of these two terms (afferent and efferent) in a structural or anatomical context?

Afferent means "toward," as in sensory information traveling from the periphery into the CNS. Efferent means "away from," as in motor commands that travel from the brain down the spinal cord and out into the periphery.

6.If a person has a motor disorder and cannot move their arm voluntarily, but their muscles have tone, which motor neuron—upper or lower—is probably affected? Explain why.

The upper motor neuron would be affected because it is carrying the command from the brain down.

7.What does it mean for an action potential to be an "all or none" event?

The cell membrane must reach threshold before voltage-gated Na + channels open. If threshold is not reached, those channels do not open, and the depolarizing phase of the action potential does not occur, the cell membrane will just go back to its resting state.

8.The conscious perception of pain is often delayed because of the time it takes for the sensations to reach the cerebral cortex. Why would this be the case based on propagation of the axon potential?

Axons of pain sensing sensory neurons are thin and unmyelinated so that it takes longer for that sensation to reach the brain than other sensations.

9.If a postsynaptic cell has synapses from five different cells, and three cause EPSPs and two of them cause IPSPs, give an example of a series of depolarizations and hyperpolarizations that would result in the neuron reaching threshold.

EPSP1 = +5 mV, EPSP2 = +7 mV, EPSP 3 = +10 mV, IPSP1 = -4 mV, IPSP2 = -3 mV. 5 + 7 + 10 - 4 - 3 = +15 mV.

10.Why is the receptor the important element determining the effect a neurotransmitter has on a target cell?

Different neurotransmitters have different receptors. Thus, the type of receptor in the postsynaptic cell is what determines which ion channels open. Acetylcholine binding to the nicotinic receptor causes cations to cross the membrane. GABA binding to its receptor causes the anion chloride to cross the membrane.