Monday, May 27, 2024

 sympathetic nervous system increase Beta 1 adrnergic receptors on contractile cell 

calcium can combine to troponin tropomyosin which mean that we can get stronger contraction or contractile cell increase contraction 

less calcium flow in  ( concentration gradient distrupt ) so that not true 

hyperkalemia tends to block depolarization ( pacemaker cell ) K want to leave the cell 

not contract contractile cell not depolarize



all the step of the cardiac cycle

diastolic volume 

systolic volume

two cardiac out put 

regular stroke volume '

remember your rule 

big picture 

blood flow from high to low 

all about pressure 

cotracting either atria or ventricle 

get to the lung 

get out  from the lung 


prevent back from 

when ventricle  are ontracting 

prevent from improper blood flow 

all the blood pump out to the body


  1. stroke volume: the volume of blood pump out the left ventricle of the heart during each systolic cardiac contraction (SV)
  2. end diastolic volume (EDV) the amount of blood that is in the ventricles before the heart contracts 
  3. the volume of blood in one ventricle at the end of the systolic ejection phase immediately before diastole (ESV)
  4. the amount of blood pumped by the heart minute by one ventricle (cardiac output )

5-6 liter of pump 

heart rate 

10 L 

how much blood 

3 key factor 

preload -how much fill the ventricle during diastolic 

force of contract- the more blood push

 - after load -certain amount of resistant 

ventricle has to overcome out through the aorta

second-Heart rate 

Heart rate is higher - the more blood volume to the heart 

if we increase - cardiac output will be increase 

double heart rate 

equation - double the cardiac output 

average heart rate 70 to 72 perminute 

18-40years of age 

infant and toddler

normal average is faster than adult (100-150)

greater than 60 years old 

number of beat per minute 

range from 100 to 130 per minutes 

how heart rates changes 

brady cardia 

slower heart rate 

for average adult ( less than 60perminute ) 

lower than 60 when sleeping heart rate can be slow down 

slower heart rate

the other term 

tachy cardia 

fast than normal heart rate 

over the 100 beat per minute (during exercise to deliver more oxygen ) 

higher metabolic activity

especially aerobic or running 

blood is red 

second set of exercise 

effectors heart rate in two ways - 

positive chronotropic effector- increase the heart rate 

negative chronotropic effector - decrease the heart rate 

tachycardia - decrease preload (fast heart rate ) filled before ventricle contract 

ventricle never fully filled 

start to contract before fully full 

Cardiovascular System Physiology - Cardiac Output (stroke volume, heart ...

Muscle contraction