Sunday, April 28, 2024

Graded potentials

Graded Potential 

1.Definition:  Graded potentials are typically generated in the dendrites of a neuron, where voltage-gated channels are not present. They occur in response to stimuli, such as neurotransmitters binding to receptors. 

2. Definition:  A change in the electrical potential on the membrane of an excitable cell (e.g. a nerve cell) in response to a stimulus, and where the magnitude of change is proportional to the strength of the stimulus.

Chegg : 

  1. Graded potentials in neurons are present in the dendrites following synaptic activity.
  2. While the usual membrane potential change is seen as an all-or-nothing response, graded potentials introduce variability in membrane potential.

Explanation: This variation occurs due to the combined influence of various ligand-gated channels, with the exception of sodium and potassium channels, which play a minor role. Over time, the magnitude of graded potentials can diminish. These potentials arise as a response to neurotransmitter release from presynaptic neurons.

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