Thursday, April 11, 2024


Pre-Class Activity 1: Questionnaire

  • Due Apr 11 at 11:59am
  • Points 13
  • Questions 13
  • Time Limit None


In Weeks 1, my goal is for us to get to know each other. This questionnaire will help me figure out how we can best set you up for success in the course.

Please complete this introductory survey by Thursday, April 11 before our first lecture so that I know about any learning needs you might have and so I learn about the backgrounds of you all coming into my class. There are no right or wrong answers--If you submit by the deadline, you will receive full points for this first Pre-Class assignment.

For each question, provide as much detail as you feel comfortable sharing.


Score for this survey: 13 out of 13
Submitted Apr 11 at 12:19am
This attempt took 1,353 minutes.
In this section, you'll help me better understand what your goals and motivations are for taking my class. This is super important information so I can make sure the class is relevant to the learning goals of as many students as possible. Thank you for taking your time to respond to these questions.
Question 1

Why have you decided to take this course?

(Does this course fulfill a requirement? If so, for what major? How does this course help with your long-term goals?)

Your Answer:

      I reason I am taking biology 40B for my prerequisite requirement in order to get into the radiologic technology program.  Learning biology40B isn’t just about facts, it’s about understanding provides foundational knowledge. Taking biology 40B help with my long term goal in health care professional fields. 

Question 2

What are your goals in this class?

(Goals include what specifically you’d like to learn about or discuss, how you define success in your learning, etc.)

Your Answer:

I aim to grasp the intricate structures and functions of the nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems.

Question 3

What are you most concerned about coming into this class?

(Describe any concerns you feel comfortable sharing such as obstacles or worries that you have that might get in the way of your goals)

Your Answer:

The intersections between anatomy, physiology, and issues of diversity intrigue me, and I wonder how well I’ll apply it in practical health contexts.

Question 4

What questions do you hope to have answered in our class?

(Post at least 2 questions about any anatomy, physiology, etc.--think about the three systems we cover this quarter: nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory)

Your Answer:

What the key component of nervous system ? 

 How does the blood-brain barrier function, and what role does it play in protecting the brain from harmful substances?

Questions 4-7 will help me better understand your academic comfort levels, background in biology, and anything else you wish to share about yourself. I love getting to know my students and their interests so feel free to use Question 7 as a personal intro to me.
Question 5
How much biology background have you had coming into my course?
You Answered
Question 6

How comfortable are you with the following (1-very uncomfortable/weak, 5- very comfortable/strong):

  • Asking questions during class:
Answering questions during class: Asking questions one-on-one w/ your instructor (such as before/after class, while instructor is walking around class/lab, or in office hours): Asking your instructor for help or support: Working with peers on in-class activities or work: Preparing/studying for exams: Completing homework assignments on time: Reading biology texts (e.g. textbooks): Writing:
Answer 1:
You Answered
Answer 2:
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Answer 3:
You Answered
Answer 4:
You Answered
Answer 5:
You Answered
Answer 6:
You Answered
Answer 7:
You Answered
Answer 8:
You Answered
Answer 9:
You Answered
Question 7

Is there anything else I should know to best support you in this class?

(Do you have accommodations through DRC? Or please elaborate on your responses for Question 6)

Your Answer:

 I don’t have personal needs or accommodations, but I appreciate your willingness to support me.

Question 8

What else do you want me to know about you as your instructor? Please feel free to share anything: your academic history, personal background, hobbies/interests, career aspirations, some aspect of your identity.

This response can help me to know you better as an individual, or you can use your response to give me a better sense of how I can support you during the course.

Your Answer:

I finished my high school at back home country Burma , South East Asia .English is my second language, but despite being a slow learner, I am determined to work hard and achieve my goals.

The following questions will give me a better sense of your access to technology so that I can ensure you will be able to access materials in and out of class.
Question 9

Will you have reliable access to a smartphone, laptop, or other device able to access the internet including our Canvas site and other online materials (e.g. Poll Everywhere, wikipedia, etc.)?

  • Off-campus: yes
  • On-campus and in-class: yes
Answer 1:
You Answered
Answer 2:
You Answered
Question 10
Will you have reliable access to printing material?
You Answered
Question 11
What system do you use to keep track of academic work and deadlines?
You Answered
Question 12
Please elaborate on any responses from the questions above as needed.
Your Answer:

For my school assignment , i have access computer and printer I don't have problem .

Question 13

Please recommend 1-2 songs for a Lab Playlist!

Your Answer:
  1. Rockabye
  2. Always remember us this way .
Survey Score: 13 out of 13

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