Hi folks!
Welcome to BIOL 40B (Anatomy and Physiology II) with me (Dr. Y)!
I'm looking forward to a great quarter with you all--and a new and exciting structure for me (this hybrid lecture format). I'm sure you are all keen on getting started and I appreciate your patience as it is taking me a bit longer to get our Canvas page up and running for this new structure. In the meantime, I'm attached our syllabus and calendar for you to review. Please anticipate the Canvas page up by tomorrow morning with another announcement from me then.
There will be 2-3 short assignments to due before we meet Friday. Since you are all in my afternoon lab,
- I will see you all at 12pm for Lecture (in 8402) and then right after
- we will head to our first lab together (in 8710).
Instructor Dr. Shizuka Yamada-Hunter (she/her pronouns)
“She-zoo-kah Yah-mah-dah Hun-ter”
Please refer to me as “Dr. Y”
Email yamadahuntershizuka@fhda.edu
Office Hours Thursdays 1:50-3:50PM
Dr. Y’s office (8403)
Lecture T/Th 12-1:50PM PST
Room 5015
Tuesday (CRN: 30841) or
Thursday (CRN: 30482)
9-11:50AM PST
Room 8710
About our Class:
Biology 40B is an intense, interactive exploration of Anatomy and Physiology that is designed to give astrong, fundamental understanding of structure, function and integration of the nervous system,cardiovascular system and respiratory system of the human body. This class is designed to prepare you for your future career and studies in the health and biology fields as well as to give you perspective onyour own body and how it functions. A fundamental understanding of anatomy and physiology is critical for students entering careers in the health sciences, extending their studies in biology, or simply looking to understand the fascinating and elegant human body.
Our study of anatomy comprises the structures of our focus body systems, but also understanding the
underlying design and how it interacts with the functions the system must carry out. Physiology is a study of dynamic processes and how they are integrated into the whole system. It is virtually impossible
to understand physiology without observing these dynamic processes in action and relating them back
to the anatomical structures and design. Therefore, we will be carrying out a variety of experiments and
explorations in our class, many of which will involve using ourselves as “guinea pigs”.
What you will need for lab:
• Visible Body, an online learning application. This resource is free to you (Foothill pays for the
• Notetaking materials (pen/pencil and paper, or laptop/tablet)
Regular and reliable access to the internet and printing for lab activities, homework assignments
and class lecture notes. Internet accessibility will be required both at home and during class.
Course Learning Objectives:
The student will be able to:
1. Describe the structures and functions of chemicals, cells, tissues, and organs of the nervous
system in health and disease.
2. Describe the structures and functions of chemicals, cells, tissues, and organs of the
cardiovascular system in health and disease.
3. Describe the structures and functions of chemicals, cells, tissues, and organs of the respiratory
system in health and disease.
4. Evaluate intersections between anatomy and physiology and issues of diversity, equity,inclusion, and social justice.
What’s in this syllabus?
• Assignments & assessments
• How grades are determined
• About me (Dr. Y)
• My expectations of students
• Inclusion in the Classroom
• Policies
o Late assignments
o Withdrawal
o Accommodations
• Resources
Important college dates
What assignments and assessments can you expect?
Biology 40 is an intense, interactive exploration of anatomy and physiology that requires a considerable investment of time (expect to spend 5-10 hours per week OUTSIDE of class dedicated to completing pre and post-class activities and studying) and active participation in lecture (~4 hours per week) and lab (about 3 hours per week). In the figure below, I show you visually what this will look like week-to-week:*Time depends on each student and their studying styles and other needs. Lecture Assignments (60% of final grade)
Lecture Pre-Class Activities (15%):
Prior to each week, you are expected to watch posted lectures or YouTube videos to familiarize yourself with the topics. After watching the videos, you will turn in a handout, copy of your notes, or answer a few quiz questions to demonstrate your engagement with the material.
These are graded on quality/effort and you will receive all or no points.
If you receive no points,you may resubmit for credit up to 1 week after the due date.
Lecture Participation (15%):
Unlike most lectures, we will spend large parts of our lecture time working on activities or
discussions together. Your engagement in these activities will strengthen your understanding of the material so it is super important to be present and engaged in lecture!
You will earn participation for each class by:
• Showing up to class ready to start on time
• Completing the in-class activities and exercises
• Submitting your exit ticket each day (Blue Book/Canvas, turned in each day)
Please note that you must be in class to receive participation/attendance points. I will excuse
COVID and other medical emergencies so please reach out to me as soon as possible. I record lectures and provide recordings to students to review, but you cannot make up an unexcused.
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