Thursday, May 9, 2024

Hyperpolarizing graded potentials can be caused by: (choose all the correct answers)

 As you learned, graded potentials can be hyperpolarizing or depolarizing. 

The ions that flow in @ the dendrites/soma will diffuse outwards in all directions.

 Some will end up at the axon hillock where they will either trigger an action potential (A.P.) or not.


An A.P. is triggered when a threshold potential of -55mV is reached at the hillock.

Hyperpolarizing graded potentials would drive the membrane more negative than -70mV

Depolarizing graded potentials would drive the membrane more positive than -70mV

Review what types of ion channels can be opened @ dendrites/soma (last week's lecture)

Hyperpolarizing graded potentials can be caused by: (choose all the correct answers)

  1.   Opening of photo-gated Cl- channels 
  2.   Opening of ligand-gated Ca2+ channels 
  3.   Closing of voltage-gated Na+ channels 
  4.   Opening of mechanically-gated K+ channel

reference key insight 

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