Sunday, June 2, 2024


 heart is divided into two side 

left and right 

oxygen rich blood 

circulate blood and oxygen around the body

deoxygenated return to the heart right atrium collected the blood and pump to pulmonary 

pump through the aorta 

right pump to pulmonary 

oxygenated blood 

four valve

  1. tricuspid valve 
  2. mitral valve 
  3. pulmonary valve 
  4. aortic valve

beating heart contract and relax

contraction systole

relax diastole 

right contract

coronary artery 

heart have electrical impulse

conduction system 

exchange oxygen oxygen rich blood 

elctrical impulse 

ventricle relax during diastole


blood vessels 



remove waste by metabolic 

function of the system 


pulmonary left side of fthe heart pump to the whole body 


heart is involuntary muscle


four  chambers left and right divided by septum 

myo cardio 

heart muscle

double layer 

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