Thursday, June 27, 2024

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3. Which division of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for bronchoconstric2on?

In the lungs, parasympathetic stimulation of M3 receptors leads to bronchoconstriction. It also increases bronchial secretions.

4. Ajay’s quick-relief rescue inhaler contains a short-ac2ng Beta-2 receptor agonist (albuterol). Which 

division of the autonomic nervous system would this drug target? And how does this drug help Ajay 

breathe easier while he was s2ll at the racetrack?

5. How is the nebulized albuterol different from the quick-relief inhaler? (you may need to look up what 

nebulized or nebulizer means)

Part II – The Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissocia(on Curve

Following his nebulizer treatment, Ajay was able to talk a liOle bit now.

“I used my rescue inhaler all night . . . it didn’t help!” He paused for a breath and then said, “My 

chest feels 2ght.”

“Do we need to go to the hospital?” his mom gently asked. Ajay looked down and simply nodded. 

He had asthma since he was 4 years old and he knew when his symptoms were so bad he needed 

to see a doctor. It seemed like all these emergency trips to the hospital happened at night…

As they arrived at the hospital Ajay’s chest 2ghtness was beginning to increase again and he was 

unable to take deep breaths. He started to panic and cry, making his breathing problems worse. 

His mom tried to stay calm as possible and gently guide him through breathing exercises, while 

they got him checked in to the ER.

Once back in the examining room a pulse oximeter was immediately placed on Ajay’s finger and 

vital signs monitored. Ajay’s oxygen saturaVon (SO2) was 82%

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