Wednesday, June 19, 2024

the Respiratory System


(radiology of lungs )

(anatomy quiz

 two major sections: the external nose, and the nasal cavity or internal nose.

Several bones that help form the walls of the nasal cavity have air-containing spaces called the paranasal sinuses, which serve to warm and humidify incoming air.

 Sinuses are lined with a mucosa.

Each paranasal sinus is named for its associated bone: frontal sinus, maxillary sinus, sphenoidal sinus, and ethmoidal sinus.

pharyngeal tonsil, also called an adenoid, is an aggregate of lymphoid reticular tissue similar to a lymph node that lies at the superior portion of the nasopharynx. 

The oropharynx is a passageway for both air and food. 

The oropharynx is bordered superiorly by the nasopharynx and anteriorly by the oral cavity.

 A type II alveolar cell is interspersed among the type I cells and secretes pulmonary surfactant, a substance composed of phospholipids and proteins that reduces the surface tension of the alveoli.

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