Saturday, June 1, 2024

Pre class activity 2 overview of cardiac cycle

 cardiac cycle 

The heart rhythmatically send blood around the body

The sequence take place in one heart beat is called cardiac cycle.

each cycle last 0.8 seconds when the person at rest

the cardiac cycle has three stage 

atrial systole 

ventricle systole 

Diastole atria and ventricle relax 

Electrical impulse spread from SA node to atria

The atria pump the blood to ventricle through av valves and bicuspid valve 

The ventricle are relax states and the semilunar valves are close 

in ventricular systole the atria relax mean while the electrical impulse generated from SA node 

reach the ventricle cause them to contract

when ventricle contract the semilunar valve force to open

the blood pump from ventricle to aorta and pulmonary artery

at the same time av valve and mitral valve are close 

the closing of valve produces the first heart sound lub

in diastole both atria and ventricle relax the semilunar valve are close 

to prevent back flow of blood into the ventricle the valve closing produce sound dub

 blood start flow into the ventricle the cycle is repeated.

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