Friday, May 31, 2024

 Cardiac understand cardiac muscle contraction. 

We need to know how a skeletal muscle contract first, and then we compare 

At the neuromuscular junction

the action potential arrives and 

Acetylcholine is released .

acts on receptors on the muscle membrane. Sodium enters the muscle cell and there’s generation of an end plate potential when that potential reaches threshold. There’s an action potential action potential propagate along the membrane, I am down the Tea, which are tips from the memory That stimulates dihydropyridine receptor, which is a voltage calcium is mechanically, coupled to receptor on the surface of the plasma reticular when that channel opened the store calcium, exoplasm reticulum, and the intra cellular calcium levels rise, the calcium, then bind to troponin see which is a part of the Thin element. This moves tropin out of the way, allowing my son to act. Myosin has ATP From breaking down, the ATP had hello, welcome to bite Ti man this video is on the at the region, dragging the Ayehnin filament along with Thin

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