Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Cardiac Cycle & Wigger's diagram

Cardiac Cycle & Wigger's diagram

A couple students indicated to me that they are still confused on Wigger's diagram (Activity #3) & the cardiac cycle (Activity #2) after the assignments.

While the assignments are meant to help you come to a better understanding through trial & error, I can understand this content is hard. I'm linking the recording from last quarter when I taught fully in-person for those who want to watch me walk through both activities. (please watch from beginning to about minute 43 for this week's stuff. The stuff on ECG I've moved and we will only cover ECGs in the lab this time; remember you can always play me on double time or 1.5X if you want to speed me up).

Lecture recording (watch from 0-43 minutes). Links to an external site.

  • note that it's not actually 43 minutes long, there's some periods of time where I'm letting students work on activities
    you'll have to skip past those "student discussion" periods (pro-tip, use the transcript to click ahead to the next part I start speaking again)


Here are also some slides with very nice reference diagrams Download some slides with very nice reference diagrams

that bring Wigger's diagram and the events of the cardiac cycle altogether. 

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