Friday, May 31, 2024

 And then we compare, so in the next few minutes, I’m gonna very quickly go over the steps of skeletal muscle contraction just to give this video a little orientation. It starts at the neuromuscular junction. The action potential ar arrives acetylcholine  is released it actionAnd there’s generation of an endplate potential when that potential reaches receptors on the muscle membrane sodium enters the muscle cells there is generation of an end plate potential when that potential reaches threshold. There’s an action potential action, potential propagate along the membrane and down the Tea, which which are dips from the membrane that stimulates a dihydropyridine receptor, which is a voltage calcium is mechanically, coupled to run receptor on the surface of the sarcoplasmic reticular when that channel opens the store calcium exits, the circle plasmic reticulum, and the intra cellular calcium levels risecalcium then bone which is a part of the Thin element. This moves out of the way, allowing Ayehnin has ATP activity the energy from breaking down the ATP causes the myosin head, the bend at the hinge region, dragging the thin filament along with. there’s a calcium ATP pump on the surface of the sarcoplasmic reticular pump calcium back into the circle plasmic reticular. This is the sarcoplasmic endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATP once the intra cellular calcium levels come back down once again muscle muscle contraction is very similar to skeletal muscle contraction.

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