Friday, May 31, 2024

Cardiac output

 Output output is defined as the amount of blood ejected by the heart in one minute

Contracting ejecting blood out to the Aorta and the pulmonary trunk. The cardiac output is defined by the amount of blood ejected by each ventricle in one minute and there are two factor. Is that are used to calculate the cutting output these are your heart rate and stroke volume. Your heart rate is essentially your conduction system of the heart. Your heart rate is how many beats permitted so beats over minute. The other factor is a stroke volume. The factor is a stroke volume which is the volume of blood humped by each ventricle with each heat so this is Mills per beat so therefore output is equal to multiplied by heart rate and stroke volume is Mills per beat and heart rate is beats permitted so as an example a normal stroke volume would be about 70 mil per beat and heart rate about 75 ft./m cross the beats out and your cardiac output is 5250 mils per minute And this is about 5 L per minute which is about right because the amount of blood passing through the heart is about 4 to 6 L, so the heart rate and stroke volume is used to calculate it output, but there’s another three factors which influence/volume and so in topic factors we put but there’s another 34 to 6 L Heart rate volume is Used to calculate cut it output, but there’s another three factors which influence/volume and so in total. There are four determinants of credit output. Let’s take a look at these so the first determinant, which we talked about his heart rate which is your conduction system this is how many beats per minute And things that can influence your heart rate known as chronic factors so you can have positive Kron which increase your heart rate and negative chronic which decrease your heart rate example of positive Cron is your sympathetic stimulation your adrenaline adrenaline epinephrine epinephrine. These guys will increase your heart rate. Some drugs can also increase your heart rate such as atropine Negative decrease your heart rate. This is your parasympathetic activity so this is your acetyl colon some drugs such as a dentist can also decrease your heart rate. The determinants of output are the things that influence your preload preload is essentially the amount of blood entering the ventricles during Gast so it’s also known as I guess and diastolic again the pillow is the amount of blood, the volume entering the ventricles, and this is during diastole Preload can be influenced by Venus return the blood and also The preload again occurs during diastole, because this is when your ventricles are being filled with blood output, which essentially occurs during cyst. When ventricles are contracting injecting blood out of the aorta and into the pit trunk is essentially the resistant ventricles must overcome to circulate. The blood can imagine things can increase these things such as hypertension sclerosis and laser construction, because because these things will increase the resistance and therefore increase after the fourth determine of output. This is hardcard contract for a preload And things that influence these are tropic factors which increase contract, and then there is negative trips which decreased contractility so positive again is your sympathetic stimulation, nor adrenaline or nor epinephrine. Some drugs can also increase contractility making it a more powerful contraction negative things parasympathetic stimulation, so you’re still calling again, and some drugs can also decrease Output heart rate. Nephritis can be a complication 

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