Wednesday, April 17, 2024

post quiz one

cell have plassma memrane 

phoespholipid molecules -polar hydrophillice and hydrophobics 

substance move in to the  cell 



pass do not require energy 

active reequire energy 

  • simple ( sugar cube dissolve ) substance between two are  high concentration to low contration cytosol outside the cell or inside the cell , form plasma membrane some of the substances can move down the concentration  gradient without assistance
  • facilitate diffusion.= small charge polar non polar phospholipbilayer - plasma membrane protein channel mediated diffusion ( charge particles number of ) 
leak channel 
stay fraction for a second continously open only open for certian channel 
carrier protein ( glucose molecules move to the other side of membrane
  • carrieer mediate diffusion
  • osmosis = water can slipped into the other side of membrane , not permeable to solute (one side ) cytosol water move down the other side to achieve equalibrium . active transport- vescicular transport is large substance accross the plasma membrane primary and secondary active transport move ion across the membrane ( na + K+ with protein pump ) release energy ATP break down to ADP change shape relase ion to the cytosol of the cell 
  • reverse back into the original shape secondary active transport _ hight to low concentration second substance low to high contration ( same direction- two substance into opposite direction ) glucose molecule to low to high contration 
  • each positive 
  • protein 
  • across the plasma membrance 
  • outside the cell 
  • golgi appratus 
  • phospholipid mke up the vesicle 
  • vesicle -
  • lipid bilayer 

 concentration gradient pushing Na ion 

pulling K+ 

electrostatic gradient

concentration gradient



membrane transport

plasma membrane- move into the cell membrane



inner part of the cell 

two main process 

active transport

passive transport

passive transport -diffusion high concentration to low contration 

  • simple diffusion ( small and non polar ) gases oxygen , small fatty acide 
  • down the concentration gradient across 
  • co2 molecules can move across the membrane without assistance
  • facilitated diffusion

sugar molecules

cellular across the plasma membrane- high concentration 

facilitated diffusion- non polar phospholipid bilayer

plasma membrane proden

channel mediated ( charge particle total number of ion water protein channnel ) 

leak channels continious open 

ion postitive channel continously open 

carrier protein ( change the shape by process ) 

glucose molecules change 

selective permeableity 

plasma membranep

protein water channell 

charge polar 

one side of the membrane - more solute than the other 

cytosol = 99% 

interstitial side 

cellular energy 

active transport- against the concentration gradient 

large substance _ membrane bound sac 

primary active transport- move ion across the membrane 

na + k+ ( atp bind to the pump) release the energy break down to ADP change shape 

2+ K+ ion into the cytosol 

back to original shape 

pump is ready to do the job again 

using energy 

down it concentration gradient 

high concentration to low concentration 

same direction

opposite direction

positive sodium 

inside the cell 

low concentration

 using the energy 

high concentration outside the cell 

outside the cell 

largerst subse

poly sacchride 


materiral secret from the cell 

from golgi - phospholipid 

vesicle membrance 

endocytosis- folding inward 

three main form 



new vesicle - fused in lysosome 

pinocytotis- interstitial fluid -

using recepteor bind with interstitial fluid 

transport wihtiin the cell 

endocytosis and exocytosis -require energy


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