Wednesday, April 17, 2024


  •  Still learning (1)
  • You've started learning these terms. Keep it up!
  • Select this one
  • Na+ (Sodium) is mostly where?
  • ECF

  • K+ (Potassium) is mostly where?
  • ICF

  • Ca+2 (calcium) is mostly where?
  • ECF

  • Cl- (chloride) is mostly where?
  • ECF

  • What is the concentration of Na+ in the ECF?
  • 145

  • What is the concentration of K+ in the ECF?
  • 4

  • What is the concentration of Ca+2 in the ECF?
  • 1.5

  • What is the concentration of Cl- in the ECF?
  • 110

  • What is the concentration of Na+ in the ICF?
  • 15

  • What is the concentration of K+ in the ICF?
  • 150

  • What is the concentration of Ca+2 in the ICF?
  • .0001

  • What is the concentration of Cl- in the ICF?
  • 10

  • Where is sodium mostly found (in the cell or out the cell)?
  • out the cell

  • Where is potassium mostly found (in the cell or out the cell)?
  • in the cell

  • where is calcium mostly found (in the cell or out the cell)?
  • out the cell

  • Where is chloride mostly found (in the cell or out the cell)?

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